New Improved K9 Tracking System

PACKTRACK TeamSystem Update

PACKTRACK is focused on providing features that make K9 record keeping less of a burden. We want the system to be easy to use, reliable and convenient to save you time. Location tracking is a key component of this service. Our latest tracking release, rewritten from the ground up, makes tracking easier to use while providing several enhanced features. The … Read More

Demographic Arrest Data

PACKTRACK TeamSystem Update

In the ever-evolving landscape of law enforcement, transparency and accountability are paramount. Departments continue to adapt to improve practices and build trust in their communities with fair policing. With the introduction of demographic data collection for arrests, PACKTRACK gives you another tool to boost your effectiveness and potentially defend yourself or your department against charges of bias. As with all … Read More

Simpler K9 Records

PACKTRACK TeamSystem Update

We’re always improving the PACKTRACK interface. Sometimes it’s challenging. How do you make K9 record keeping as simple as possible while adding new features and extending functionality? With our latest release we’re making a few fundamental changes to the layout of the Records page. The goal is to minimize clutter and make things approachable for new K9 handlers while retaining … Read More

Your Requested Enhancements

PACKTRACK TeamSystem Update

We release PACKTRACK “maintenance” updates quite regularly. This typically includes a collection of bug fixes and smaller refinements aimed at making your experience just a little bit easier. Many of these changes are guided by your feedback. We don’t usually share the details because there are often dozens of small changes. You probably have better things to do with your … Read More

Group Management Improvements

PACKTRACK TeamSystem Update

We’ve been incrementally upgrading PACKTRACK with a more modern look for a while now. One of the last few remaining areas is group management functionality. In this release we not only updated the design, we also took the opportunity to improve how training and management groups work. The Groups Page A K9 handler joins a management group so that trainers … Read More

More Notification Options

PACKTRACK TeamSystem Update

PACKTRACK has always provided notifications about the status of your K9 training and deployment records. These alerts are shown in the bottom of the interface when something important happens. They’re displayed whether you’re on the main website or using the mobile app. We also send these messages by email. This keeps you in the loop about what’s happening even when … Read More

Dark Mode Is Here

PACKTRACK TeamSystem Update

We’re constantly updating PACKTRACK with new features, refinements and bug fixes. Much of this development is driven by your feedback. One comment we hear fairly often is that the interface can be too bright when viewed in a car laptop at night. Our latest release is aimed at fixing this situation by providing a light and dark mode view for … Read More

Trainer & Supervisor Mobile Phone App

PACKTRACK TeamSystem Update

  Trainers and supervisors provide important oversight in K9 record keeping. With our latest update these roles gain full access to the system through our mobile app. Read on for an overview of how the PACKTRACK phone app enables trainers and supervisors to manage the K9 record keeping process on the go. Handlers, trainers and supervisors can download the Android … Read More

Track Your Account Changes

PACKTRACK TeamSystem Update

Today we’re introducing a new feature to give you more insight into how your records change over time. This release includes a new History page with a table showing each record modification and when it occurred. You can open this page using the new History link in the left menu on desktop or in the mobile app. All of your … Read More

Improved K9 Reporting System

PACKTRACK TeamSystem Update

A record keeping system should make it easy to put data in and reward you with the ability to pull out great reports. Our latest update includes a more integrated reporting system that adds several new features. This new design brings all of the existing reporting functionality into one place. It also supports generating (and even printing!) reports right from … Read More